The Effect Of Voluminous Materials and Lecture Notes on Reading - ETCSINES

Everything in life come with its merit and demerit, it is a general knowledge that it's take a seed to make a forest because in that seed is a potential for a tree and that tree lies a forest. 

Same goes for education you can’t rely on one or two lecture note to have the adequate knowledge needed for success in a particular course. 
Apart from taking of notes in class and the lecture note given by the lecturer a good student should go extra mile to have additional materials at his or her disposal. A law student can’t depend on the lecture note given by the lecturer, if such student wants to excel in his field of study same goes for a medicine student and any other field of study. 

The truth is everybody have numerous view on a particular subject what Mr A will have in his book will be different from Mr B same goes for Mr C. When u read two or three books combined with your personal note and the lecture’s lecture note you discover that such student perform more than his mate in class. 

People tend to look at the opposite side of things because of social pleasure and the rest. That is why the application of time management comes in, what I mean by time management is that as a student you know when to read and when to hangout with friends. Many student lacks time management which is why they get sick when reading and start putting blame on the lecturer. 

Let me give a scenario, in my university days I have a lecturer that gives us note in class and after that gives us handouts and recommended textbooks take it or leave it if you don’t read all those materials you can’t pass that course because all those materials are germane to that course. That makes you to have various knowledge about the course. The truth is no lecture note is much, its left for you to identify the germane ones and put them to use. No knowledge is lost every book impart according to its level of necessity.

Written by: Olumide Bunmi

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